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Showing pitch names

Our “Show pitch names” feature automatically displays the pitch name of each note, directly next to the notehead. You can quickly toggle them on or off.


This is handy for beginner students who are still learning to read music.

Curious to see how it works? Here’s an example you can play with.

Activating pitch names

To display pitch names, click at lower right to open the player settings, then find the Appearance section. Click “Advanced” to display the advanced options, then find “Pitch names.”


In some cases, pitch names might already be visible when you first load a slice. That can happen if the slice’s creator decided to display the pitch names by default. If you don’t want to see them, you can toggle them off the same way you’d toggle them on.

Pitch naming conventions

When you activate pitch names, you select the naming convention to use. Here are the available options:

A-B-C — the letters A-G.


German — like A-B-C, but it uses an H.


Solfège (fixed do) — Do, Re, Mi, etc.



You’ll only see the “Pitch names” option if:

  1. You’re in any of our paid plans, or
  2. The slice owner has activated the feature
  3. Slice owners, see here for how to enable the feature for anybody viewing your slice.

    Does this work with chords?

    Yes indeed. In case of chords, we stack the pitch names on top of one another, so they remain easy to read.

    Does this work with multi-voice music?

    Yes indeed.