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@mrbradwi · Flyover Country, WI


Greg's interpretation for Can't Lose What You Never Had turnaround. The rhythms are pretty loose in the performance so it's not a tight transcription of the song or anything, just the salient fingerings… More…


Small reminder chart for some of the riffs and arpeggios in Zeppelin's Achilles Last Stand as interpreted by Gregory Steven Koch esq.… More…


Lesson time in the Orange Room! There might be a test... More…


First draft of All My Love from Led Zeppelin's "In Through THe Out Door" More…


Hendrix's Villanova Junction explanation by Greg Koch for his Orange Room audience. More…


Moanin' Glory from Koch Marshal Trio's 2023 "Orange Roominations" album.… More…


SRV's take on Sky Hop. I can't tell how he's getting the 16 notes in between all the shuffle notes. It's definitely not a style of picking that I can figure out. More…


Main guitar parts of What Is LIfe by George Harrison. … More…


Basic chart of "Your Face" as performed by the Lords of the Orange Room Trio.… More…


A juicy little tidbit from the Orange Room, an improv in D minor, which sounds sort of like a jazzy version of Dream On. Harmonic minor seems to work pretty good over it.… More…


Greg is often so kind as to show us his tips and tricks once in a while during the Orange Room livestreams.… More…


Pretty much self explanatory. Savage, greasy... gristle to the core. The "Torn" riff from Radio Free Gristle is demonstrated by Greg Koch.… More…


A nifty set of open string pull-offs from one of Greg's promotional videos when he was on tour in Europe.… More…


Greg occasionally punctuates his live streams with some lively lessons. … More…


Eric Claption song from the olden days of Cream. I haven't been able to find a good way to notate the rhythm, so it's all about the feel and the attitude and telepathy with the rhythm section.… More…


Rhythmic intro with grown-up chords. Trick is to maintain the 16th note funk while getting to the grips just in time.… More…


One of those drade-isms that melt your face off while he's getting to the turnaround; from an old Orange Room looper jam. More…


One of those noodly things that Greg does at the end of a a tune in the Orange Room sometimes... you know, for the kids. More…


Rough approximation the first chorus of the Stevie Wonder hit, "If You Really Love Me"… More…


A neat cycling idea that I first saw on a Barry Greene video.… More…


The main rhythm parts to the "Monster Mode" by Greg Koch.… More…


This is a basic homework study sheet for episode one of Chris Parks' excellent series Things I've Learned from Barry Harris.… More…