This channel is primarily for educational purposes (my students) and therefore some content may have been simplified or changed as compared to the original tracks.
This is a mash-up between the album version and several live versions. Some open strings have been added for easier playability. Hope you enjoy! More…
I have seen some decent bass tutorials for this song on YouTube but I tend to rely more on the heavier strings for a more Motown-ish sound. Hope you guys enjoy this version! More…
If you're not into funk, you haven't heard The Meters yet. More…
This is a Capo 3-take of the "Lead Guitar". In the original version it's played one octave up at Capo 15 but that requires a very deep cutaway such as on the Rickenbacker Jonny plays in some live clips… More…
Some minor details has been changed for better playability More…
A lot of good versions out there. This Is my take on it. Some minor variations has been skipped due to repeats. More…
Some minor details has been skipped for "playability". Enjoy! More…
There's a lot of variations played but they are not included. More…
Basic play along version created for a student. Hope u guys enjoy! More…
This is not at all an attempt to nail the exact playing but rather a "middle of the road-version" to play along with. Hope you enjoy! More…
A serious attempt on this one. Saw a few more or less accurate ones on YouTube that didn't fully satisfy. Please comment if you differ somehow! More…
I'm guessing this is Tim Lefebvre on bass and Zach Danziger on drums. Both groovy and funny as hell anyways! More…
Not with Ben's left hand positions. This is how I play it. More…