Lovely Stornoway played in A Major with Mandolin TAB More…
The Shepherd's Wife written in Jig (6/8) time with Mandolin TAB More…
Arrangement of the traditional Burns Song Ye Banks and Braes with Mandolin TAB with harmony 2nd part. More…
Hornpipe written by Francis O’Neill who was the Chicago Chief of Police from 1901 to 1905. He was also a flautist, fiddler, and piper, and is most famous for his published collections of Irish tunes. More…
Fear a' Phige is a Strathspey. Strathspeys were famous fiddle pieces in the 18th and 19th century. Played quickly they can be used for the dance 'Highland Schottische'. This tune is ideal for that.A… More…
Scottish Jig. The area of Ness at the northern tip of Lewis had many bothans, illegal drinking places, to get around strict religious-based licensing laws. More…
A Gaelic air from a song entitled An Coineachan, also known in English as The Fairy Lullaby, about a mother whose bairn was stolen by a fairy as she picked berries. More…
Song by Robert Burns set to an air called The Caledonian Hunt's Delight. This version contains Mandolin Tab and Chord Diagrams. The D7 chord on the first and third lines could be replaced with am Am7. More…
The Glenside Polkas No1. and N0.2 played as a set. More…
Lovely Stornoway in D Major with Mandolin Chord Diagrams More…
Glenside No. 1 with Mandolin Pick Direction More…
Glenside No 2 Polka with mandolin pick direction More…
Mairi's Wedding with Mandolin Tab and Pick direction More…
Mairi's Wedding with Mandolin Tab More…
Jig Picking Exercise 3 for Beginner Mandolin Players More…
Jig Picking Exercise for Beginner Mandolin Players More…
Jig Picking Exercise for Beginner Mandolin Players More…
Picking Exercise for beginner mandolin players More…
Leaving Stornoway with Mandolin Tab More…
Picking Exercise for Beginner Mandolin Players More…
Picking Exercise for Beginner Mandolin Players More…
Scottish Waltz with Double Stops and Mandolin TABS More…