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A Rhythm Play Along for Valentine’s Day. This play along was created to use with elementary music students. Rhythm patterns arranged by E. James Kotora, Jr., Ph.D. This video is for educational purposes… More…


A rhythm play along for elementary students created by E. James Kotora, Ph.D. More…


This is a Rhythm Play Along to Celebrate Chinese New Year. Rhythm Part Arranged by E. James Kotora, Jr., Ph.D. More…


A fun rhythm play along for elementary students using whole, half, quarter notes, eighth note pairs and quarter rests. More…


A rhythm play along created to help students practice feeling and playing whole notes. More…


A Rhythm Play Along for Elementary students. Music Arranged by Craig Duncan. Rhythm part Arranged by E. James Kotora, Jr,. Ph.D. More…


A rhythm play along for Elementary aged students using classroom rhythm instruments. Rhythm Arrangement E. James Kotora, Jr. Ph.D. More…


A rhythm play along for classroom Rhythm instruments More…