Since the release of his latest album, Get Somethin’ (Ropeadope), guitarist, composer and producer Chance Hayden has garnered international acclaim as “a player who definitely knows how to get a lot of tone and color out of his instrument” (Dusty Groove). In 2019, he toured extensively throughout the Pacific Northwest in a variety of outfits from solo guitar to all-star collaborations with Andy Coe, Saeeda Wright and Sarah Clarke. While spending most of the last decade as a devout sideman, Hayden supported many of Portland’s renowned artists including Jarrod Lawson, Farnell Newton, Shelly Rudolph, Darrell Grant and Mel Brown, along with national touring acts such as The Coasters and The Platters. As a PSU Jazz Studies graduate, Hayden’s guitar stylings are well-informed through the jazz tradition while equally steeped in blues, funk and soul. This authentic mixture is a result of a lifetime’s listening, learning, teaching, practicing and performing.