Guitaristy composer-type person. Follow me on Instagram at @benweissmusic for more guitar things!

Ben Weiss//Licks n' Tricks, Vol. I

Funk//Licks n' Tricks, Vol. I

Soloing//Licks n' Tricks, Vol. I
An improv of me playing over the changes to 'Isn't She Lovely' More…
Here are some dope G minor lines by the maestro himself, Mr. Robben Ford. More…
A fingerstyle arrangement of a Shania Twain classic. One of my favorite melodies of all time More…
Link to the backing track: More…
A fingerstyle version of the Cantina Band music from the earlier Star Wars movies! More…
The first guitar solo in Water by Brad Paisley. The second half is my noodles, because I always think the guitar solo is too short :P More…
Some optimistic sounding notes in a row More…
So I did the best I could here. There are a couple spots where he's visually playing notes but they are not audible at Greg's sonic speed, so I made educated guesses. I put vibrato markings for whenever… More…
Some licks and tricks in G Major… More…
Some licks and tricks for y'all over the Finesse backing track by Bruno Mars. (note that this is written in double time, to avoid ridiculous 16th note triplets and 32nd notes) More…
Crazy Frank Gambale solo from a live show of the Chick Corea Elektric Band at the Blue Note More…
Sounded cool and weird at the same time, so I wanted to transcribe it right quick! More…
Backing Track Link: More…
A quick pentatonic riff with some chromatics to fill the gaps More…
Guthrie Govan is the king of quoting songs in his you recognize the quote in this solo? More…