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@axeslinger11 · Guitar, Bass · Greater Nashville TN
Clint Tucker is a musician, producer, song writer, and guitar instructor with a degree in music business from Middle Tennessee State University.


Here's a fun take on a classic! This is a great song to work on your counting and dominant 7th chords! Pay attention to the repeat cues and have fun! Follow me! More…


Here's a simple run that helps you see the E Shape and A Shape Barre chords with the Major Pentatonic scale. Have fun! More…


Here's a workout helping you get more familiar with the chromatic scale by doing four reps then three reps and two reps then finally one rep take your time use your own pace and good luck! More…


Here's a cool blues piano lick in A. A nice way to use all 4 fingers and it sounds great! More…


Here are some simple close voicing shapes for turnarounds in E blues! More…


Here's a great etude to work on fretting and picking hand synchronization and it sounds cool too! More…


Here's a great workout for seeing the relationships of the CAGED shapes, their scales and triads formed from these shapes. Notice the patterns that overlap and help you navigate the fretboard. More…


Here's a simple workout to help you with string transitions by using either outside or inside picking. Pay attention to the picking directions and good luck! More…


Here's a great song to get you familiar with 8th note strumming and the chords in the key of C. You will get a good amount of practice on the F Barre Chord as well. More…


Here's a great 90's country tune that will give you a great riff to work on finger independence. Good luck and have fun! More…


Here's a great tune by the boys down under! The break in the middle will really help your syncopation counting skills! Good luck and have a blessed day! More…


Inspired from Mick Goodrick, these exercises will help me and you become well acquainted with the relationships of these intervals in the open position. Rules are each fret represents the finger that frets… More…


Here's a cool workout inspired by Levi Clay. This is in the E Shape of the A Major Scale. (Hands make an E Shape to play the A Chord) in the 5th Position with the scale coming out of the 4th position.… More…


Sweet Pentatonic Lick from Intense Rock 2 from Paul Gilbert More…


This is the B section of this awesome etude and is a great alternate picking workout! Have fun! More…


Here's an Etude I wrote to help me work through open chords with alternate picking. There's also some chromatic elements, triads, open string scales, and chord clusters as well. Good luck take your time… More…


Here's an etude I wrote to help me work on my rolling pinky action for my fretting hand and it is helping me so maybe it will help you as well! … More…


Here's a must to become free on the guitar. Learn your CAGED notes and here is a great workout to do that very thing! More…


Here is the hot rodded strat work of Ed King on display in this tune! More…