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@anntrainor · Fiddle, piano, guitar, plus basic bodhrán and tin whistle · Dublin, Ireland
Teaching the Adult Mixed-Instrument Ensemble in my local branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann in Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Continuing to learn and play Irish fiddle. I also play piano/keys.


A booley house is a mountain hut where sheep herders can live during the summer months. More…


This is one of many tunes named after Sliabh Luachra ‘great’, fiddler Tom Billy Murphy (1875-1943), a contemporary of Din Tarrant and fiddle master Pádraig O'Keeffe. Blinded by polio at 13, Tom Billy learnt… More…


First written record I can find of this Slip Jig is in the Stephen Grier MSS (available on Grier (1824-1894) was born in Longford, but lived in South Leitrim from the time of his marriage. He… More…


Written as part of the concept album The Voyage of Bran, based on the mythological tale c. 7th -8th century More…


Set Dances are asymmetrical, with the B part longer than the A, to fit a specific dance.… More…


Sometimes known as The Pipe on the Hob 1, to distinguish it from another jig of the same name with the number 2, though in reality the numbers can vary. It was the great piper, Séamus Ennis, who is reputed… More…


See alternate slice for this tune in a set with The Smiling Bride More…


The second ending leads directly into The Handsome Young Ladies, another Charlie Lennon composition. See alternate slices for the 2nd tune on its own and in a set with both tunes. More…


Composed by Michael Rooney as part of the De Cuellar Suite. More…


Essentially Charlie's own setting from his book of compositions, with very minor adjustments I learnt from Zoe in a workshop. Particularly, note Charlie's variations in Bars 11-12 (The Smiling Bride) and… More…


From The Fiddler's Companion: … More…


The Dances at Kinvara was composed by Ed Reavy. … More…


I learnt this setting at a summer school. It is almost identical to the setting in the Ed Reavy Tunebook, mostly apart from the final bar in each section. The recording differs a little. More…


This is Charlie's setting from Musical Memories Vol. 2, the second volume of his compositions. It differs slightly from the recording. More…


The first reel was popularised by Michael Coleman (1891-1945), who was the first to record it in New York in 1921. It has its origins in one of the Scots strathspeys and reels known as Miss Lyall, apparently… More…


This tune was popularised by Michael Coleman (1891-1945), who was the first to record it in New York in 1921. It has its origins in one of the Scots strathspeys and reels known as Miss Lyall, apparently… More…


This reel is by Paddy Fahey (1916-2019). He was a well-renowned composer and fiddler in the East Galway style, and was named TG4 Composer of The Year in 2001. About 60 of his tunes are in the general trad… More…