Wannabe composer, expert dumbass.
Did this for marching band so people know how to do the exercise More…
I made this like half a year ago, have it More…
Rain from FMA:B but i got a little distracted More…
The forest. A shield from your mistakes.(first piece of 2012) More…
I found this in a “Guess the song” on musescore and i don’t care about guessing because it’s good and i wanna know :( More…
I kinda just wanted to try to write some sheet music, so i made this More…
Hey, lass uns ein schönes, entspannendes Bad machen, warum nicht?(also I’m so sorry) More…
The theme of a certain mage, who fights for those around her, even though she’s a bit..persistent. More…
Lmao i somehow mashed up the title theme from persona 4 and the league theme from pokemon gen 4 and made this thingy More…
Not a game soundtrack, just a piano version of the first ED of Naruto bcuz its cool. Finally, something someone might be able to play… More…
Don’t worry, it’s alright. There’s nothing in the dark….. More…