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@ThomasBerglund · Guitar · Stockholm
I´m a musician that trying to make life worthy with music and everything else that creates my life. "The road is everything, the goal is nothing" All the best Thomas Berglund


Check out my guitar lesson "Jazz chord playing, part 4" about chords to 2-5-1 in minor… More…


Check out my Quicklesson no 61 about "Dominant pentatonic scale to the C7 chord".… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Play the Jazz blues, part 4" about dominant chord substitution & altered chords… More…


Check out my guitar lesson Quick lesson no 60 about "Walking bass with chords" to a chord progression in Bb.… More…


I go through a duplet exercise in this lesson. You can see it as an exercise but also use it when playing walking bass with chords on the guitar to tunes. I show and discuss the exercise in a special order… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Quick lesson no.58" about a "Funk rhythm to A7".… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Jam of the month, nov 2024" when soloing to a Funkblues in A.… More…


In this lesson I´ll show and discuss the basic arpeggios to use to the tune Autumn Leaves. Watch it on my YouTube channel from the link below.… More…


This is the 3rd in a bundle of 6 lessons with the Rhythm changes topic. In this lesson I´ll go through how to color the chords in a Rhythm changes chord progression.… More…


Autumn Leaves is a popular jazz tune and it has been played by many musicians through the years. In this lesson I´ll show and discuss the basic scales to use to the tune. Watch it on my YouTube channel… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Quick lesson no.57" about playing two penta scales to Am7.… More…


The song "Red baron" is the "Song of the month" sept. 2024. Watch it on my YouTube channel from the link below.… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Quick lesson no.56" about target notes.… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Quick lesson no.55" about chord solo lines to a F jazz blues (full chorus).… More…


Jazzt play is a good starter for you if you´re interested in playing jazz. It´s a song in one key and I´ll show the song and discuss the scales and chords in the guitar lesson. Watch it on my YouTube channel… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Quick lesson no.54" about chord solo lines to a F jazz blues (bar 9-12).… More…


Check out my guitar lesson "Quick lesson no.53" about chord solo lines to a F jazz blues (bar 5-8).… More…


Guitar arrangement on "Lakes" composed by Pat Metheny. Watch it on my YouTube channel from the link below.… More…