This is a one-stop shop for Brazilian guitar enthusiasts. Here you will find transcriptions, exercises and tips. We are going to cover different styles like bossa, samba, choro, baião, etc. Also, different instruments, like bandolim and violão.
This is an adaptation from "gaita ponto" to "bandolim".… More…
This is a transcription/adaptation from lapsteel guitar to tenor guitar.… More…
A nice Jacob's frevo recorded during his career.… More…
This is a melody variation of Jaco's hit Noites Cariocas. It's from the choro genre played in a samba style. Played here on mandolin, it can be adapted to any soloist instrument like violin, flute, guitar,… More…
One choro classic focusing on the seven string guitar and the mandolin transcription. More…
Sample lesson from Bossa & Beyond (Brazilian guitar). More…
Nelson Veras' solo on Chega de saudade / No more blues (Dm). Transcription from Boclé Veras Bernier @ Live at Phenix More…
Gente Humilde, a song writen by guitarist Garoto here adapted to the tenor guitar by Zé Menezes. More…
Guitar melody arranged by Nelson Veras for the trio Boclé / Veras / Bernier. More…
During the 60's Elis Regina and Toots Thielemans got together to shoot a TV show. They did a samba version out of Bluesette and Toots did an amazing solo doubling guitar and whistle. We can see he's one… More…
Joe Pass' Blue bossa guitar solo from his live recording with trombonist J.J. Johnson.… More…