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Open string riff, around and around we go. More…


Fits along with the Blue song. Open string repeat riff. More…


Down down down then miss out a down stroke on the strings but keep the arm moving. More…


Recent beginners play the open strings. Those who have been playing longer play the second part with the pressing down notes we learnt in lesson. More…


Staying in 2nd position throughout, giving finger 2 and 4 some work to do. More…


Not the left hand fingering. I would use my 3rd finger to roll in a bar across the strings. Try using your 4th finger on the top note. More…


Following on from the C minor scale the note pattern is moved up 2 frets. 1st finger is at 2nd fret then move your left hand slightly so 1st finger will be at 3rd fret. More…