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@JakeEstner · Guitar · Boston, MA
I help guitarists advance through a unique and highly individualized program. However my soundslice channel is mostly a random mix of personal projects. See link and instagram posts for more: ,


Such a killer feel. Look at the staff for voice separation; generally, he's playing the bass parts with his pick, and melody and strums with his other fingers. … More…


An interesting way to cover the whole neck very quickly, interesting "anchor points" for rapid jumps in register, and just a decent way to improve your familiarity and facility with triads. On top of that,… More…


Make melody notes sustain as much as possible! Leads to some strange fingerings/held chord. More…


I've observed that a lot of people (myself included) take a more key-center-based approach to this tune and don't necessarily dig in deep to the basic changes - that's not at all a bad thing, often sounds… More…


Great stuff. Also my first chance to use an emoji in a score. More…


Super cool intro to an arrangement Zakk ("beyondthefrets" on instagram) posted the other day - I had to get under the hood and figure it out! More…


In (capo-relative) key of A minor, with some borrowing...keys of A major, F minor, Db major More…


Was experimenting a bit with "irrational" time signatures and trying to make something feel nice. Wound up strumming some chords that sounded like this song, so I went ahead and just made it an arrangement.… More…


He recorded the song all a capella, so it was interesting to try to represent the voices and harmonies solo guitar. I had to take certain things under a microscope and try to get creative about fingerings… More…


Watched this movie the other day and was very curious about this rhythm. It's interesting how similar this figure is to Meshuggah's "Bleed" - also almost the exact same tempo! More…


A little high-effort goof for today's date, 4/4/2021. The "20" is really just 4 groups of 16th note quintuplets, but that's far less meme-able. I'm treating the 21 as 3 groups of 7. It's kind of like fitting… More…


Dotted 8ths and quarter note triplets are very similar in duration, so sometimes it can be tricky to play or hear the distinction. Occasionally I like to give myself or my students challenges to test… More…


I've been enjoying practicing alternate-picked arpeggios as odd note groupings, both because it's good practice for smoothing out picking weaknesses but also sometimes I wind up liking the musical result.… More…


Original pick strokes/transcription here:… More…


Trying to be in the holiday spirit. Main theme from "Halloween" is the top voice, and the bass notes are basically the same pitches as the original, but I changed their rhythm: first they are occurring… More…


Technically, until you've eaten your last breakfast, any whiskey consumed is 'before breakfast.' More…


Working on my bluegrass ears. Some 'tough to hear' bits marked. A and B sections marked, and split into 4 bar phrases for ease of organization. More…


Very cool improvised moment in the middle of a medley of tunes. I have the staff notation as concert pitch (well, with the guitar in its 'guitar octave') as the guitar has the capo and the mandolin of… More…


Finally getting around to transcribing some Woody Shaw More…


Ok I know this is a very different thing to put on my channel, but I was kind of proud of this arrangement for one of my 6 year old students, and thought it was a cool demo of the capabilities of soundslice,… More…


I took a "7 over 4 in groups of 6" fingerpicking idea I posted on instagram a few weeks ago and turned it into...something, with guitar pro. But the thing I thought was fun is playing around with the idea… More…


Sometimes I find a solo arrangement works well to play with the pick, which gives some limitations and advantages compared to playing fingerstyle, main limitation being less ability to play independent… More…