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@BobRoss · Guitar · Cincinnati OH
Bob Ross is a professor of guitar at Mt. Joseph University as well as a guitar instructor/performer in the Cincinnati area. You can find his lesson material on and/or


Here's a short idea based on the minor 7th arpeggios (Gminor7, F#minor7, Fminor7, and Eminor7). Notice the delayed resolution from bar 3 to 4. … More…


Here's a short idea based on the triads Eminor, F#minor, CMajor, and DMajor. If you are interested in a pdf then message me at More…


This is a short excerpt on how to apply the intervallic structures to a familiar chord progression. … More…


This is a warmup I've used for years. I stacked 5ths a minor 3rd apart which spells out a Minor 11 chord. … More…