I’m learning to play the guitar, since January 2023, and being able to play fingerstyle would be nice. At the beginning, I did the slices to myself, to complement all those fantastic and helpful ones shared here. Then, I thought maybe if someone is beginning like me, my exercices will help too. That’s why you’ll find a number before the name of the song. It’s the order I found useful to practice.
You can turn off the lyrics of the songs or to sing along off the key like me... :D
Welcome to my little bit world corner and, please, use them if you want to!
Estic aprenent a tocar la guitarra, des del gener de 2023, i ser capaç de tocar fingerstyle estaria bé. Al principi, em vaig fer les partitures per complementar totes les fantàstiques i profitoses compartides aquí. Llavors vaig pensar que potser, si algú comença com jo, els meus exercicis també el podrien ajudar. Per això trobareu un nombre abans del nom de la cançó. És l'ordre que he trobat útil per practicar.
Podeu desactivar la lletra de les cançons o desafinar quan les canteu, com jo... :D
Us dono la benvinguda al meu petit racó de món i, si us plau, utilitzeu-les si ho desitgeu!