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@Aftaab · Guitar · Vancouver
Guitarist from Canada, transcribing whatever I feel inspired to break down. Lots of Mateus Asato and Nate Ruess.


I love the idea of thinking of songs in terms of moments. Before, I used to think in terms of entire songs, and I either liked a whole song or didn't. I knew sometimes I only really liked the chorus or bridge of a song, but most of the song would have to strongly resonate with me for me to categorize it in my head as something I liked. Now, I can sometimes find value in the smallest parts of a song that I would otherwise have discounted, even if the other 95% of it doesn't suit my tastes. It allows me to appreciate music so much more.

"I don't even break it down by 'artists' because every single artist is gonna have stuff that I really love and I don't like... even by song, there's parts of the song I love and parts that I don't... even individual moments of songs, there's parts of it that I don't like and do."
- Bill Wurtz, on his favourite artists

I'm sort of obsessed with transcribing these favorite moments of mine because I feel like I'm curating the influences that will end up informing my own creative sensibilities. By internalizing the music that I love, the music I make can sound more like what my idea of good music is.

"Everybody. Just everyone I talk to is a huge influence on all my stuff... Lot of stolen jokes. Lot of people, like friends, their jokes- I'm telling them. Like some jokes you tell me, off the cuff, those are in there. You're not credited at all... I'm the guy who melts it all together."
- Videogamedunkey, on his comedic influences

This is all why I love Soundslice and why its concept of small "slices" of music transcriptions appealed to me so much. Now I'm addicted.