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@AcousticWisdom · Vocals, Guitar, Clawhammer banjo, Mandolin, Ukulele, Bass, Cajon, Didgeridoo, Piano. · Mechanicsburg, PA
Hailing from Mechanicsburg, PA, Kevin Neidig is an award winning Americana singer/songwriter multi-instrumentalist. Follow me on Bandcamp to find out about the live GWUP (every 2nd Mon. at 7pm EST).



Was asked to learn the Eagle's theme song by a student and this is the arrangement I came up with. More…


I created a unique break for the fiddle tune Gold Rush on the Bluegrass Coalition's Lessons with Marcel YouTube channel. Most players play out of G position with capo on 2nd fret, I chose open A, no capo.… More…


Dorian riff that adds some nice chromaticism. Play over Amin. More…


Happy Holiday's everyone! A student asked me to arrange an easy "jazzy" version of O Christmas Tree. Maybe not so easy? Hope this fits into your Holiday set with the family this year.… More…


Dan is the director of Bluegrass, Old-Time, and Country Music Studies at East Tennessee State University… More…


Here is a neat chromatic riff that would work over a D7 (dominant). Try also over Amin6. More…


This riff start with an Aadd9 arpeggio and then goes to a Bmin9 arpeggio. Try playing just over an A major chord. More…


Nice G7 riff with a lot of leaps. More…


Using a G major and F major arpeggio makes for a nice G7 sound. More…