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Mozes Rosenberg Method - Volume I
Mozes Rosenberg Method
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Mozes Rosenberg Method - Volume I

Together with Mozes Rosenberg, take an in-depth look at how to play 5 classic Gypsy Jazz songs. No matter if you're a Gypsy Jazz starter or already crushing it on stage, we want guitarists of all levels to learn with the great!
Jazz · Gypsy jazz
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In this first Mozes Rosenberg Method lesson pack, Mozes Rosenberg himself teaches you how to play 5 amazing Gypsy Jazz classic songs.
The tunes we picked for Volume I are:
- Minor Swing,
- Poinciana,
- Blues for Ike,
- All of me,
- Mozology Read full description…

In this first Mozes Rosenberg Method lesson pack, Mozes Rosenberg himself teaches you how to play 5 amazing Gypsy Jazz classic songs.
The tunes we picked for Volume I are:
- Minor Swing,
- Poinciana,
- Blues for Ike,
- All of me,
- Mozology

We find it very important to not only serve the experienced guitarists that need a new challenge. We also want people with less years of playing experience to be able to learn with Mozes.
Therefore, all tunes have examples of basic solo's and more advanced solo's.

Characteristics of a basic solo:
- short phrases,
- a clear relation between the phrase and the chord,
- not too fast or complicated rhythms

The more advanced solo's have:
- longer phrases, connecting multiple chord changes,
- more use of tritone substitutions or altered phrases,
- can have very fast licks and/or complicated rhythms.

Remember: with SoundSlice you can always slow down and/or loop the challenging phrases. No matter at which level of playing you are.

For some songs we have some very nice background information where Mozes tells about how he used to learn songs, how he likes to change or vary the standard chord progressions and how he approaches composing new music.

More detailed information about the lessons in Mozes Rosenberg Method volume I:

Minor Swing:
- basic chords,
- jazzy chord variation,
- basic solo's,
- advanced solo's,
- a chord solo,
- background info on how Mozes learned to play guitar,
- a little interview about the differences between the basic chords and the jazzy variation.

- the chords,
- a nice melodic solo,
- a lesson on how to play the gypsy bossa rhythm,
- a more in-depth look at the intro and outtro,
- some suggestions for a chord stands out in this progression.
Because of a possible copyright infringement, we sadly could not include the teaching of the theme of Poinciana in this course.
You can however stil find that lesson on YouTube.

Blues for Ike:
- the basic chords and a more jazzy variation of the chords,
- the theme,
- a lesson on how to make the comping sound a more jazzy,
- a special chorus (chords and melody),
- different solo's from basic to more jazzy,
- a chord solo,
- a lesson on how to make your lines sound a bit more jazzy.

All of me:
- the chords,
- basic solo's,
- advanced solo's,
- a chord solo,
- a lot of seperate licks that you can use on All of me (or similar tunes).
Because of a possible copyright infringement, we sadly could not include the teaching of the theme of All of me in this course.
You can however stil find that lesson on YouTube.

- the chords,
- the theme played with and without the rhythm guitar so the more complex phrases can be clearly heard,
- basic solo's,
- advanced solo's,
- a lot of seperate licks that you can use on Mozology (or similar tunes),
- a nice little interview where Mozes explains about how Mozology was composed.

Full course

Full course is 62 minutes across 44 parts
Minor Swing
Minor Swing - Chords (basic)
Minor Swing - Chords (jazzy)
Minor Swing - Theme + Basic solo #1
Minor Swing - Basic solo #2
Minor Swing - Basic solo #3
Minor Swing - Advanced solo #1
Minor Swing - Advanced solo #2
Minor Swing - Chord solo
Minor Swing - Lesson: how to get from basic to jazzy chords
Minor Swing - Starting to learn to play guitar
Poinciana - Chords
Poinciana - How to play the bossa rhythm
Poinciana - Intro, solo, outtro
Poinciana - How to play the intro
Poinciana - Ideas for starting your solo
Poinciana - The C#7(#9) chord
Poinciana - Playing the outtro
Poinciana - About the origins
Blues for Ike
Blues for Ike - Chords basic to jazzy
Blues for Ike - Lesson: How to go from basic to jazzy chords
Blues for Ike - Theme (no chords)
Blues for Ike - Special Chorus - melody
Blues for Ike - Special Chorus - chords
Blues for Ike - Solo #1
Blues for Ike - Solo #2
Blues for Ike - Octave solo
Blues for Ike - Chord solo
Blues for Ike - Explanation of old style vs jazzy soloing
All of me
All of me - Chords
All of me - Basic solo #1
All of me - Basic solo #2
All of me - Advanced solo #1
All of me - Advanced solo #2
All of me - Chord solo
All of me - Licks and ideas
Mozology - Chords
Mozology - Theme (no chords)
Mozology - Theme (with chords)
Mozology - Basic solo #1
Mozology - Basic solo #2
Mozology - Advanced solo #1
Mozology - Advanced solo #2
Mozology - Licks & ideas
Mozology - Interview: origins of the song

About the artist

@MozesRosenbergMethod · Netherlands

Official guitar courses by Dutch Gypsy Jazz guitarist Mozes Rosenberg and his team!

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