The 40 Rudiments For Snare Drum And Drumset - Beginner To Pro
Benvenuto in questo corso dedicato ai famosi quaranta rudimenti per tamburo e batteria.
Lo scopo è quello di scoprire, sul tamburo e successivamente applicati all'intero set, i quaranta rudimenti fondamentali codificati a livello internazionale dalla Percussive Arts Society (P.A.S).
I rudimenti costituiscono uno studio essenziale perché permettono di sviluppare il fraseggio, il senso del tempo e la precisione. Inoltre, contribuiscono a rendere solida e stabile la base tecnica di ogni batterista
I rudimenti sono cellule ritmiche di base e si suddividono in:
1 - Rulli
2 - Diddle
3 - Flam
4 - Drag
Per ogni rudimento è a disposizione una base musicale creata appositamente al pianoforte.
È possibile studiare i rudimenti suonandoli a loop nella sezione audio: attraverso la guida della musica sarà molto più semplice seguire i movimenti ritmici e gli accenti di ogni esercizio.
Nella sezione dedicata alla batteria ogni rudimento è esplorato sull’intero set, al fine di contestualizzare il lavoro appreso in precedenza sul rullante.
Suggerisco di studiare i rudimenti utilizzando anche gli arti inferiori, piede destro su ogni beat e piede sinistro sul secondo e quarto beat.
Anche per questa sezione sono previste 40 mini-composizioni originali sulle quale esercitarsi.
Avrai a disposizione le partiture estremamente dettagliate di rullante e batteria, visualizzate in perfetto in sync con i video, che puoi ingrandire e spostare a tuo piacimento all’ interno della piattaforma.
Raccomando di studiare anche attraverso la modalità audio, in questo modo potrai mettere a loop con la massima precisione qualsiasi porzione musicale, e rallentarla fino al completo apprendimento.
Potrai sfruttare la modalità MIDI e scendere ancora più nel dettaglio di ogni esercizio, loopando e rallentando senza perdere in qualità sonora.
Non occorre installare nessun programma, basta avere un Mac, Pc, uno smartphone o un tablet.
Una volta acquistato, il corso è tuo per sempre.
Un ringraziamento speciale a Roberto Gualdi, ispiratore e supervisore.
Grazie come sempre anche a Giordano Giorgi e Valentino Vitali per la loro pazienza e supporto.
Buon lavoro!
Welcome to this course about the famous forty rudiments for snare drum and drum set.
The goal is to discover the forty drum rudiments that have been globally coded by the Percussive Arts Society (P.A.S.), studying them at first on the snare drum and then applying them to the drum set.
The rudiments are an essential study because they develop phrasing, timing and precision. Besides, they contribute to strengthening the technical background of any drummer.
Rudiments are basic rhythmic cells and are divided into four groups:
1 - Rolls
2 - Diddles
3 - Flams
4 - Drags
You will find a backing track played on the piano for each rudiment.
You can loop the rudiments in the audio section: it'll be much easier to follow the rhythmic movements and accents guided by the music.
In the following section every rudiment is applied to the drum set to give context to the work that you just did on the snare drum.
I suggest you study the rudiments using also your lower limbs, playing with your right foot on every beat and with your left foot on two and four.
There are forty original backing tracks also in this section to practice with. You will find extremely detailed transcriptions of snare drum and drum set parts, played in perfect sync with the videos, that you'll be able to move and zoom at your convenience within the platform.
I recommend practicing using the audio files: this way you'll be able to loop and slow down every section with extreme precision until you learn it. You can swap to MIDI mode anytime to get into the details, looping and slowing down without losing audio quality.
No software download and instal is required, you just need a laptop, a smartphone or a tablet.
This course has a lifetime licence, once bought it'll be yours forever.
Special thanks to Roberto Gualdi that inspired and supervised this course.
As usual, thanks to Giordano Giorgi and to Valentino Vitali for their patience and support.
Enjoy your practice!
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Full course
Intro |
01 Single Stroke Roll |
01 Single Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
01 Single Stroke Roll Drums |
02 Single Stroke Four |
02 Single Stroke Four PlayAlong |
02 Single Stroke Four Drums |
03 Single Stroke Seven |
03 Single Stroke Seven PlayAlong |
03 Single Stroke Seven Drums |
04 Multiple Bounce Roll |
04 Multiple Bounce Roll PlayAlong |
04 Multiple Bounce Roll Drums |
05 Triple Stroke Roll |
05 Triple Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
05 Triple Stroke Roll Drums |
06 Double Stroke Open |
06 Double Stroke Open Roll PlayAlong |
06 Double Stroke Open Drums |
07 Five Stroke Roll |
07 Five Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
07 Five Stroke Roll Drums |
08 Six Stroke Roll |
08 Six Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
08 Six Stroke Roll Drums |
09 Seven Stroke Roll |
09 Seven Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
09 Seven Stroke Roll Drums |
10 Nine Stroke Roll |
10 Nine Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
10 Nine Stroke Roll Drums |
11 Ten Stroke Roll |
11 Ten Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
11 Ten Stroke Roll Drums |
12 Eleven Stroke Roll |
12 Eleven Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
12 Eleven Stroke Roll Drums |
13 Thirteen Stroke Roll |
13 Thirteen Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
13 Thirteen Stroke Roll Drums |
14 Fifteen Stroke Roll |
14 Fifteen Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
14 Fifteen Stroke Roll Drums |
15 Seventeen Stroke Roll |
15 Seventeen Stroke Roll PlayAlong |
15 Seventeen Stroke Roll Drums |
16 Single Paradiddle |
16 Single Paradiddle PlayAlong |
16 Single Paradiddle Drums |
17 Double Paradiddle |
17 Double Paradiddle PlayAlong |
17 Double Paradiddle Drums |
18 Triple Paradiddle |
18 Triple Paradiddle PlayAlong |
18 Triple Paradiddle Drums |
19 Single Paradiddle-diddle |
19 Single Paradiddle-diddle PlayAlong |
19 Single Paradiddle-diddle Drums |
20 Flam |
20 Flam PlayAlong |
20 Flam Drums |
21 Flam Accent |
21 Flam Accent PlayAlong |
21 Flam Accent Drums |
22 Flam Tap |
22 Flam Tap PlayAlong |
22 Flam Tap Drums |
23 Flamacue |
23 Flamacue PlayAlong |
23 Flamacue Drums |
24 Flam Paradiddle |
24 Flam Paradiddle PlayAlong |
24 Flam Paradiddle Drums |
25 Single Flammed Mill |
25 Single Flammed Mill PlayAlong |
25 Single Flammed Mill Drums |
26 Flam Paradiddle-diddle |
26 Flam Paradiddle-diddle PlayAlong |
26 Flam Paradiddle-diddle Drums |
27 Pataflafla |
27 Pataflafla PlayAlong |
27 Pataflafla Drums |
28 Swiss Army Triplet |
28 Swiss Army Triplet PlayAlong |
28 Swiss Army Triplet Drums |
29 Inverted Flam Tap |
29 Inverted Flam Tap PlayAlong |
29 Inverted Flam Tap Drums |
30 Flam Drag |
30 Flam Drag PlayAlong |
30 Flam Drag Drums |
31 Drag |
31 Drag PlayAlong |
31 Drag Drums |
32 Single Drag Tap |
32 Single Drag Tap PlayAlong |
32 Single Drag Tap Drums |
33 Double Drag Tap |
33 Double Drag Tap PlayAlong |
33 Double Drag Tap Drums |
34 Lesson 25 |
34 Lesson 25 PlayAlong |
34 Lesson 25 Drums |
35 Single Dragadiddle |
35 Single Dragadiddle PlayAlong |
35 Single Dragadiddle Drums |
36 Drag Paradiddle #1 |
36 Drag Paradiddle #1 PlayAlong |
36 Drag Paradiddle #1 Drums |
37 Drag Paradiddle #2 |
37 Drag Paradiddle #2 PlayAlong |
37 Drag Paradiddle #2 Drums |
38 Single Ratamacue |
38 Single Ratamacue PlayAlong |
38 Single Ratamacue Drums |
39 Double Ratamacue |
39 Double Ratamacue PlayAlong |
40 Triple Ratamacue |
39 Double Ratamacue Drums |
40 Triple Ratamacue PlayAlong |
40 Triple Ratamacue Drums |
Rudimental Tour |
Rudimental Tour 1 Bar |
Rudimental Tour 2 Bars |
Rudimental Tour 4 Bars |
About the artist

Giovanni Giorgi
Born in Saronno on March 18th, 1975. He begun drumming at a very young age, thanks to his father who is also a drummer. Collaborations: Delfeayo Marsalis, John Patitucci, Jimmy Haslip, Sarah Jane Morris, Carl Anderson, Paul Jeffrey, Tommy Emmanuel
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