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Everything I play is indicated here (interactive music sheet with notes) 👉️… More…
Here's a quick Pat Martino style lick taken from the book 100 Classic Jazz Licks for Guitar, available here: … More…
The one minute intro for acoustic guitar for the jazz standard by George Gershwin Summertime from 1934. More…
Comment faire sonner ses blues un peu plus jazz ? Dans cette vidéo vous apprendrez exactement comment faire ça. Et pour des explications encore plus détaillées je vous suggère cette formation complète… More…
Original chord melody arrangament for this jazz standard by Frank Sinatra.… More…
Just discovered this solo. The Wes Montgomery University for studies of jazz melody. This is perhaps the jazz guitar solo par excellence. It can hardly be played better. It contains everything it needs.… More…
If you're interested in learning jazz guitar (or any style of guitar), it's important to learn how the neck of the instrument relates to musical notes. Start the journey here.… More…
This etude is a one chorus solo over the chord progression of the Jazz standard "Stablemates".… More…
I'll Be Seeing You · Jonathan Kreisberg · Gary Versace · Matt Penman · Mark Ferber… More…
Lick de Jazz Bebop básico para utilizar sobre un II-V-I mayor. Es aconsejable aprender este lick en todas las tonalidades.… More…
A snappy Allan Reuss solo with some of his classic trademarks. More…
Lick from I ll be seeing you… More…
The great jazz tune in a great guitar arrangement More…
Le Kréyol djaz ou « créole jazz » est la forme jazz des musiques des Antilles françaises (French west Indies). Les oficionados l’appellent « Wabap ». Son originalité réside dans la fusion des rythmes… More…
#Gypsyjazz,#violin,#jazz,#swing,#Bass,#violinjazz More…
Taking the A section of jazz standard "Blue Moon" in 2 other keys in cycle going down major 3rds through the bII chord,… More…
My attempt at playing this great solo by Joe Locke. Done a couple of years ago. #jazz "brazilianjazz #triodapaz #romerolubambo #joelocke More…
Sacha Distel was a french jazz guitarist (before becoming a famous "french pop" singer). He recorded in 1956 a great album called "Afternoon in Paris" with the famous pianist John Lewis (from Modern Jazz… More…
Free Transcription →… More…
John Leslie « Wes » Montgomery était un guitariste majeur du jazz américain.… More…
Video-transcripción con microtonos:… More…
Here’s my gypsy jazz arrangement of the Super Mario Bros. 2 overworld theme — as Django Reinhardt might have played it. :) More…