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Here’s an excellent chord etude Angelo showed at Django In June 2018, which took place last week in Northampton, MA. If you don’t know Django In June, mark your calendar for next year — I highly recommend… More…
From Django In June 2018. Video by Ric Molina. More…
This comes from Take 1 of “Un Poco Loco,” from 1951. I’ve added my own interpretation of tab for guitar. More…
Beautiful fingerstyle arrangement that I just *must* learn. More…
So much awesomeness happening in this single chorus — rhythmic displacement, zany harmonization, then out of nowhere comes a super flourish. From the album “Wholly Cats,” recorded in 1995. More…
Django did a lot of this kind of thing. I was playing around trying to see how far I could take it. More…
Excellent ideas and phrasing from Billy Bean on the 1958 album “The Trio.” More…
I developed this exercise to help with legato and finger dexterity. It kind of doubles as an “outside” lick, though I have yet to use it in the wild... More…
From the “Pickin’ Cotten” album, recorded live in Nashville in 1977 with Richard Cotten on bass. More…
Lovely turnaround from George’s 1967 recording of “Satin Doll” on the album Seven-String Guitar. Note I’ve transcribed it for a six-string guitar. More…
Angelo’s take on Django’s intro to “Nuages.” More…
Great jazz-blues playing from Hank on his album “The Unforgettable Guitar Of Hank Garland” from 1960. More…
From a 1951 session with pianist Jess Stacy. I love these little three-note chords — they have that certain early-jazz-guitar sound. The move in bars 6-7 (then repeated in bar 17) is really nice in particular,… More…
Nice intro here from Les Paul’s recording with Bing Crosby. More…
Something about the note choice and/or timing in this break... It made me laugh. From a live version of “China Boy.” More…
I love these phrasing ideas. From my own video of the JazzFest Amsterdam concert, March 17, 2018. More…
Some nice flowing playing from Antoine. More…
I stumbled across this one while noodling around on the fretboard. Pick a chord, move two of its notes down a fret, strum it again, move the notes down again, etc. More…
I learned this fingering from Adrien Moignard, who told me he got it from Rocky Gresset. It can be played quite quickly! More…
An interesting intro here from the tune “Relaxing at Camarillo” on the album Nine Stories Wide. It ends up resolving to C major at the end — I included some extra audio at the end for context.… More…
From “Bags Meets Wes,” recorded in 1961. More…
Just a simple shout chorus idea I made up over a G minor blues. Kind of big-band-y? More…
The way Adrien ends this phrase made me smile. From “Django’s Tiger” on Adrien’s album Clins d'OEil. More…
Nice improvised intro here leading into the G major for “Nuages.” More…
A little ii-V-I idea I made up to celebrate the launch of Soundslice channels. :) More…
I have no idea how I stumbled upon this accordion performance — somehow I discovered it in my “to-be-transcribed” list. But this ending is GREAT! And super fun and rewarding to transcribe stuff from different… More…
Take the Adrien Train! Lots of classic Adrien ideas in this single chorus. Live at Joe’s Pub in NYC, with Benoit Convert and special guest Cyrille Aimee. More…
Beautiful stuff from Angelo! More…
John is one of my favorite players here in the local Dutch scene. Super fast, clean and inspired by shred/rock — a refreshing color palette for gypsy jazz. I need to transcribe more of his stuff... More…
Excellent etude by Joe Giglio ( over the changes of “All The Things You Are.”… More…