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So beautiful. Django outlines a substitute alt chord going from Eb to Eb7 into the bridge of “(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons,” from 1947. More…
Rounding out my recent Boulou transcriptions, here’s a nice short idea over the changes of “What Is This Thing Called Love.” From a performance of “Subconscious Lee” on the live album “Nuages.” More…
This is one of those licks that’s purely guitaristic. No real music theory behind it, as far as I can tell — just a repeated pattern down the strings.… More…
Are your fingers properly stretched? They’d better be, if you want to play these beautiful, lush chord voicings from Johnny Smith. This comes from his classic Moonlight In Vermont album with Stan Getz.… More…
This little motif by Boulou brings a huge smile to my face. It’s just so dissonant-but-beautiful in that Django way. From now on, I shall always play this during that moment of Nuages. :-) More…
Here’s a nice chordal walkdown lick from Chet’s 1978 album “Reflections” with Doc Watson. The tune is “Dill Pickle Rag.”… More…
Here’s my arrangement of the Beatles’ Honey Pie, from a YouTube video I made in 2011. So many people have requested the tab over the years that I had to Soundslice it. More…
Nice and exotic sounding outro here, despite only using two chord voicings. More…
Here’s my own fingerstyle arrangement of the lovely jazz standard by Jimmy Van Heusen. More…
Here’s an exercise I learned from somebody at Django In June a few years ago (I forget from whom).… More…
Here’s a soul-jazz solo I discovered by a guitarist who’s unfortunately uncredited on the recording. It’s from the 1967 album “Honky Tonk Organ” by Bill Doggett. It might be Billy Butler, but that’s just… More…
A couple of nice substitutions in this one. From the 1969 Jack McDuff LP “Steppin’ Out.” More…
Happy new year! Appropriately, here’s one of the very first things I ever Soundsliced; I just realized I hadn’t yet posted it to my channel. Make sure to toggle the rhythm backing vs. lead guitar if you’d… More…
This tasteful guitar interlude comes from Jo Stafford’s 1945 recording with Paul Weston And His Orchestra. I needed to do some Internet sleuthing to confirm who the guitarist was...the great George Van… More…
A very nice intro here from Adrien’s 2007 recordings with the singer Lemmy Constantine. The album is “Meeting Sinatra & Django.” I left in the first few words of Lemmy’s (highly questionable) singing for… More…
Here’s a beautiful intro by Antoine from the first track of his album “Sita.” More…
@LyleBrewerMusic has been posting some nice guitar etudes and challenging people to do Soundslice covers. Here's the only one I've managed to get under my fingers so far. :) More…
I just discovered this great fingerstyle tune from Chet Atkins’ 1968 album Solo Flights and written by Jerry Reed. Such a tasty, bluesy melody! More…
I love this simple but melodic idea from Joost Zoeteman — first over the C minor, then over the G minor. Sounds dissonant, but he’s just playing the flat third and natural sixth over both chords. More…
Big news for Django fans: a new live recording was unearthed and shared online. It’s Django playing with the ATC Band on Dec. 16, 1945. Here’s the full transcription of all six choruses by Django over… More…
From “Bags Meets Wes,” recorded in 1961. More…
Here’s a small thing I made up. Could work well as an outro to a ballad in A major. More…
A nice rhythm idea that I hadn’t come across, plus some quick licks. From Adrien’s DjangoFest Northwest workshop last week. Thanks to Paul Sommer for posting this video to YouTube! More…
Sean posted this exercise on Instagram yesterday (, saying "it's the best guitar exercise I know," so I had to Soundslice it. It's a chromatic scale in octaves,… More…
An interesting intro here from the tune “Relaxing at Camarillo” on the album Nine Stories Wide. It ends up resolving to C major at the end — I included some extra audio at the end for context.… More…
The most beautifully melodic improvised guitar solo of all time? Every jazz guitarist should learn this classic by Django.… More…
John is one of my favorite players here in the local Dutch scene. Super fast, clean and inspired by shred/rock — a refreshing color palette for gypsy jazz. I need to transcribe more of his stuff... More…
Nice improvised intro here leading into the G major for “Nuages.” More…
Super-swinging playing! By pianist Eddie Costa on the tune “Walking” on the Barry Galbraith album “Guitar and the Wind,” from 1958. I’ve transcribed only the piano melody, not the left hand rhythm. At… More…
Here’s a little etude I wrote recently for myself to practice some new (to me) chord transitions and the gypsy picking technique. It’s over the changes of “Djangology.” I suppose you could even play it… More…