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Gifting in the Soundslice store

Here’s how you can buy a Soundslice course as a gift for another person.

How it works for you (the purchaser)

  1. Add the course(s) to your shopping cart.
  2. When viewing your shopping cart, click the checkbox next to “Buying as a gift?”
  3. Complete the purchase by making a payment.
  4. You will immediately get a gift code — a short, unique code for your purchase. We will show you this gift code immediately after purchase, and we will also email it to you.
  5. You are responsible for giving this gift code to the gift recipient. For example, you could send them an email or write the code on a greeting card.

You do not need to tell us anything about the gift recipient at time of purchase (their email address or otherwise). You are in full control of how the recipient gets the gift code.

How it works for the gift recipient

Once you give the gift code to the recipient, here’s how it works for them:

  1. They will will need to go to and enter the code. (Don’t do this yourself, because that means you’ll get access to the course instead of the gift recipient.)
  2. They will need to create a free Soundslice account as part of this process, so that their account gets permanent access to the course.
  3. That’s it!