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JavaScript API methods for controlling visualizations

Use the setViz method to display a visualization in the player — e.g., the visual fretboard, keyboard, mixer, violin fingerboard or waveform.

The method takes an arg, an integer that specifies which visualization you want to display:

  • 0 — None (closes current visualization)
  • 1 — Piano keyboard
  • 2 — Fretboard
  • 3 — Violin fingerboard
  • 4 — Waveform
  • 5 — Mixer

If your requested visualization is not supported — e.g., you request the waveform but had specified the enable_waveform=0 URL parameter, or you request the fretboard but your slice has no tablature — this will simply close the current visualization.


var ssiframe = document.getElementById('ssembed').contentWindow;

// Activate the visual fretboard.
ssiframe.postMessage('{"method": "setViz", "arg": 2}', '');