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Custom video thumbnails

If you’ve created a video recording, you can upload a custom thumbnail image for it.

We’ll display the custom thumbnail in our player, in place of the video, until video playback begins. We’ll also use the thumbnail in our community section, if you decide to post your slice to your public channel.

This is possible for all types of Soundslice video except YouTube (Soundslice-hosted video, Vimeo, Wistia and custom video URLs). For YouTube custom thumbnails, you’ll need to be the owner of the YouTube video, and you’ll need to upload the thumbnail directly within YouTube.

How to upload a custom thumbnail

Open your slice in edit mode, then click the Recordings button at the top of the page:

Screenshot of button

This will display the “Edit recordings” screen, which looks like this:


From there, click the recording’s name to edit its info. You’ll see a screen like this:


Next to “Thumbnail image,” select a file from your computer to use as the thumbnail. Then hit Save. That’s it.

Changing thumbnails

Don’t like your thumbnail? You can always go in and replace it with a different one. Use the same process.

Seeing your current thumbnail

The “Change recording” screen will display your current thumbnail if you’ve got one.

Suggested dimensions

Your image will be automatically resized to 700 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall. So for best results, upload an image that matches this aspect ratio.

What does Soundslice do for videos that don’t have a custom thumbnail?

In this case, our player will display the very first frame of the video. This is what web browsers do by default.

Why don’t I see “Thumbnail image” when editing my recording?

Sounds like your recording is an MP3 or a YouTube video — neither of which support custom thumbnails.