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New: Notationless clips

Our “clips” feature now works even in slices that don’t have notation.

We introduced clips last year, and it’s become a popular feature. For the uninitiated: it’s a way to save specific subsections of music for easy access. Sort of like bookmarking a “slice of a slice.”

Since launching, we’ve gotten a surprising number of requests from people who want to create clips in slices that don’t have notation. Why? Here are some examples:

  • You’ve got a YouTube video in Soundslice and you just want to save a few subsets of it — say, some licks you want to learn — without adding notation.
  • You’ve uploaded an MP3 to Soundslice, you’ve created a loop, and you want to save that loop for quick access — again, without needing to add notation.
  • You’re embedding Soundslice in your own website, using our player for video lessons, and you want to offer your customers quick bookmarks into useful loops for the given video.

In short: it’s really handy to be able to “bookmark loops” even if you don’t have synced sheet music. This wasn’t possible before, and it’s possible now.

Clips work differently in notationless slices. Instead of opening focus mode, activating a clip will merely open a loop with whatever timecodes you’ve saved. You can create as many clips as you’d like within a slice.

For more info, see the new “Notationless clips” section of the clips help page.