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New: Hide videos in our player

Here’s a new feature many people have requested: you can now hide videos in our player.

This is handy if you want to see as much notation on your screen as possible and don’t need the video’s visuals. Playback will still work, so you’ll still hear the video’s audio.

The easiest way to do this is by clicking the line between the video and notation, then dragging it. At a certain point, we’ll hide the video entirely:


You can also click the new “Hide video” button, which is part of the video controls:


If a video has been hidden, we’ll display a little “nib” either at the left of the screen (if the video was on the side) or the top of the screen (if the video was above). Click that to bring the video back.

Note that YouTube videos can’t be hidden, because YouTube doesn’t allow that. They have a minimum width requirement for embedded videos. Sorry, not much we can do about that. Use one of our other video solutions, such as our native video hosting.

For more ways to adjust videos in our player, see our updated help page.